Attention Clients-to ensure the highest possible level of safety for you and our staff, we are temporarily changing our service process to promote the use of televideo/telephone technology whenever possible. In order to avoid an interruption in your treatment, you will be contacted over the next few days by phone about upcoming appointments and your ability to conduct those appointments via phone and/or other technology.
If you visit one of our clinics in person, we ask that you check in with the front office staff and supply your cell phone number and then wait in your car until you are called and asked to come inside. So that we can best support you in obtaining the necessary healthcare services, you will be asked if you have symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, trouble breathing, cough, recent contact with a confirmed (+) COVID-19 case, or any recent travel.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to explore the best ways to continue serving you during these challenging times. Please contact our office should you have questions about your upcoming appointment.